VRATSAGIRL a girl with a camera


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Images From last FALL

I am still processing the images I have taken during last year. It will take me a while to catch up since I keep taking new photographs all the time.

This is a process I can not control because I can never stop taking photos. Or if I do that means there is something terribly wrong with me. 

So here a few colourful shots from last fall to brighten your day. 
Have a good week everyone!!! 

image of a tree with golden leaves

another image of a tree covered with golden leaves

more golden leaves up close on a sycamore tree

a couple of leaves left on a birch branch, golden background

the last leaves on a birch tree, blue background

   thank you for stopping by!!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A morning of peaceful photography

After 3 weeks of permanent storms - crazy rain and wicked wind, we woke up to a wonderful unexpected, glorious golden morning.  

Needless to say I was out in a flash with my fingers itching to take some pictures in peace and quiet without donging the wind and the falling raindrops.  

So here is what came out of that lovely gorgeous morning of peaceful photography:

thank you for the visit everyone and see you again!!

 P.S I am very disappointed because once again I could not publish all the photos I had prepared since the colours went completely nuts!! 

Most of the photos were distorted and the colours run and bleached!! 
Does anyone know anything about this? I would appreciate some feed back. 

This is a photo blog, I need to rely on the proper presentation of colours and images!! 
If I can not publish my photos here in peace and as planned I certainly feel discouraged to continue working here in Google!!  

I am not giving up yet! But if anyone has some info please write to me!!


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