VRATSAGIRL a girl with a camera


Showing posts with label nature photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nature photography. Show all posts

Thursday, August 17, 2023


 As I was walking Flickr this morning, I noticed a difference in the air.  

It suddenly felt like autumn.

Those first signs always make me feel sad because I know that the darkness is coming.

The short days, the cold wind and the long rainy afternoons...days....weeks. 

No more trips to the beach for me, or swimming.. 

THIS YEAR I never even made it to the beach even though it is 20km away...Sigh..

Foggy Connemara landscape, Galway,  Ireland

foggy landscape with cows in the distance

autumn landscape from Galway Ireland

Foggy landscape from Connemara, Galway, Ireland

walking my boxer dog

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Forest Walks

pine tree needles and raindrops
One of my favourite things to do in my spare time is walking.

Walking through the fields, walking in the bogs, walking in the Hills of Connemara, walking with my dogs and especially walking in the forest.

The smell of earth and fallen leaves.. The happy singing of the mountain streams..The peaceful silence and the playful light in the branches of the trees... all that and so much more  is what keeps me coming back and back and back...

I will show a few shots from a random walk from last year when Flick was a tiny puppy and was just learning the secrets of the forest. 

Now, after walking there every day for a year and a half, I would say he looks like he simply belongs in it. 

Forest Walks by Annie Japaud Photography 

light in golden leaves in the forest sun shining through the branches of a tree

forest landscape, Galway, Ireland

boxer puppy walking

light shining in wet trees

a person walking in the forest with his dog raindrops on pine needles

forest greenery

boxer puppy walking

boxer puppy walking

wild flowers in the forest with raindrops

sun shining through the pine trees

 raindrops on pine needles

raindrops on pine needles

raindrops on pine needles

forest spring

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Red is for Autumn

I went out today to walk the dogs and do you know what I discovered?

NO matter where I looked suddenly there were red berries and red colours everywhere. One thing I am sure of is that they were definitely not here last week.

But it is September now and suddenly everything is changing. The feel of autumn is in the air...

Red is for Autumn

red berries, hawthorn, Galway

red and black berries red brier berries by the side of the road, Connemara, Galway

red brier berries, by the side of the road, Connemara, Galway

hawthorn berries, red, green leaves

lots of red hawthorn berries

All the flowers that I found were all red as well 

red flowers

red fuschia flowers

punk flowers in the garden

Thursday, August 31, 2017

In Love with Daisies

Who isn't in love with daisies?

daisies, wild flowers, countryside, Ireland, Galway

They are the prettiest of flowers, they come in so many shapes and sizes.
Small ones, big ones, wild ones....
My favourite are the ones that hug the side of the road all summer, always there swaying in the breeze, smiling at the sun and everyone who notices..

I have a few shots here to brighten your day

daisies, wild flowers, countryside, Ireland, Galway wild daisies, flowers

wild daisies, flowers, Galway, Ireland

wild daisies, flowers, Galway, Ireland

wild daisies, flowers, Ireland, Galway

daisies, wild flowers, Galway, Ireland

daisies, wild flowers, Galway Ireland

wild daisies, flowers, Galway, Ireland

wild daisies, Galway Ireland, flowers

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Fairybridge Lilies

I never knew that lilies can be so outrageously beautiful.
Of course, I never grew any before so I never had an up close and personal view before.

Taking photos of the lilies in the vanishing daylight was quite an interesting and fun experience.  I got lost in it for a while and didn't even feel the gentle drizzle that almost dampened the mood. 
But don't you worry, after the actual photo shoot comes the other fun part  - the converting of the files into jpegs so I can upload them to the internet and my blogs. Sometimes it takes a while but it is very rewarding  to look a the finished products.

And here they are, The Fairybridge Lilies 

lilies, flowers, garden

lilies in the garden

lilies in the garden lilies in the garden

lilies up close

lilies  up close

lilies up close

lilies in the garden

garden lilies

lilies in the garden

lilies in the garden

lilies in the garden

From Fairybridge garden, Oughterard, Galway, Ireland

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July dreams in February

I am so tired of the rain and the bad weather I find myself daydreaming of summer. I am thinking of those wonderful July walks, very early ...