VRATSAGIRL a girl with a camera


Showing posts with label landscape. Show all posts
Showing posts with label landscape. Show all posts

Thursday, August 17, 2023


 As I was walking Flickr this morning, I noticed a difference in the air.  

It suddenly felt like autumn.

Those first signs always make me feel sad because I know that the darkness is coming.

The short days, the cold wind and the long rainy afternoons...days....weeks. 

No more trips to the beach for me, or swimming.. 

THIS YEAR I never even made it to the beach even though it is 20km away...Sigh..

Foggy Connemara landscape, Galway,  Ireland

foggy landscape with cows in the distance

autumn landscape from Galway Ireland

Foggy landscape from Connemara, Galway, Ireland

walking my boxer dog

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Lets celebrate

Today is 11.12.13. 

A day that deserves a post of its own just because it's such a great number which will never ever happen again in all history of mankind. I find it so absolutely cool for no particular reason at all, just cracks me up. 

So, for this occasion, I have prepared some special photos to mark a special day. 
Lets celebrate with some nature photography from me.

Enjoy everyone and please leave a comment to tell me what you think! 

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed my images

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Autumn Celebration

It is the first of October and I have to admit that this year Autumn strolled in without hesitation and it is definitely here to stay. 

Up until a few days ago, the trees were still more dark green than brown, the grass was less rusty than it is suddenly today and certainly, there weren't as many leaves dancing in the wind either.

Since my Sunday walk, when I officially went into Autumn mode, all the signs are boldly present. The dark luscious green of the trees is suddenly enriched with reddish and brown tones. The birches are slowly adorning their golden attire and the rushes in the bogs are becoming all rusty with a touch of crimson where the sun rays touch them.
It is an amazing scene that can drive anyone crazy with all that stunning beauty. Nature is perfect and we need to protect it and keep it clean!

There is nothing more annoying for me than finding everyday litter by the side of the roads. How come, some people can not wait to trow their garbage in the bin like everyone else?Why do they have to toss it out of their car window?! The answer evades me completely but their actions, sadly, I witness on daily basis.

Let us live this conversation for another day because this topic has been on the tip of my lips for a while now and continue the celebration of Autumn' arrival. Enjoy nature's palette of colours, so fascinating and so gorgeous.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Indian Summer

After 10 days of gale winds, lashing rain and dark stormy clouds flying across the sky, we woke up right in the middle of a lovely Indian summer. The winds are gone, everything is so still it feels a bit spooky but it is yet so much better than holding tight for your life. 
The temperature is surprisingly and unnaturally higher than usual. And most of all it's kind of sunny! 
You might find it funny that I am being ecstatic just because it's (notice the "kind of") sunny, but if you were living in Ireland you would know what I mean. We are not as lucky as the rest of the world about the amount of sunny days we have. Here it rains more often than not and most of the time even if it is not cold it is cloudy and we rarely see the blue sky. So every time there is a bit of blue sky overhead everyone is happy, joyful and the first thing people say when they meet is "Lovely day today, isn't it?!" 

I went up in the hills, nature was so peaceful and relaxed it felt as the perfect day out. It made me wish to share it with all of you. It's always good to spread the joy whenever possible. 

So smile, look at your blue sky and feel happy!! 

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