VRATSAGIRL a girl with a camera


Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Dog Daisies

Ever wonder why they call them Dog Daisies? 😊 ⁕⁕⁕⚘

This is why 😂

daisies by the side of the road and boxer dog

daisies by the side of the road and boxer dogs

daisies by the side of the road and boxer dogs


lonely daisy growing in the middle of the road

lonely daisy growing in the middle of the road and two boxers in the background

lonely daisy in the middle of the road

lonely daisy in the middle of the road and two boxers in the background

lonely daisy growing in the middle of the road and two boxer dogs in the background

small white daisy in the middle of the road

looking down at a small white daisy growing in the road

Annie Japaud Photography 

Thursday, August 31, 2017

In Love with Daisies

Who isn't in love with daisies?

daisies, wild flowers, countryside, Ireland, Galway

They are the prettiest of flowers, they come in so many shapes and sizes.
Small ones, big ones, wild ones....
My favourite are the ones that hug the side of the road all summer, always there swaying in the breeze, smiling at the sun and everyone who notices..

I have a few shots here to brighten your day

daisies, wild flowers, countryside, Ireland, Galway wild daisies, flowers

wild daisies, flowers, Galway, Ireland

wild daisies, flowers, Galway, Ireland

wild daisies, flowers, Ireland, Galway

daisies, wild flowers, Galway, Ireland

daisies, wild flowers, Galway Ireland

wild daisies, flowers, Galway, Ireland

wild daisies, Galway Ireland, flowers

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Fairybridge Lilies

I never knew that lilies can be so outrageously beautiful.
Of course, I never grew any before so I never had an up close and personal view before.

Taking photos of the lilies in the vanishing daylight was quite an interesting and fun experience.  I got lost in it for a while and didn't even feel the gentle drizzle that almost dampened the mood. 
But don't you worry, after the actual photo shoot comes the other fun part  - the converting of the files into jpegs so I can upload them to the internet and my blogs. Sometimes it takes a while but it is very rewarding  to look a the finished products.

And here they are, The Fairybridge Lilies 

lilies, flowers, garden

lilies in the garden

lilies in the garden lilies in the garden

lilies up close

lilies  up close

lilies up close

lilies in the garden

garden lilies

lilies in the garden

lilies in the garden

lilies in the garden

From Fairybridge garden, Oughterard, Galway, Ireland

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Purple time of the year

Did you know that at this time of the year there is mainly purple flowers blossoming out there in the wild?!

This is what I discovered today while I was walking the dogs and admiring the fabulous lush green around me. Then I noticed the lovely purple flowers one after the other until I realised that the purple  is everywhere!!

Of course I had to start taking photos of all the different plants I could find and I was amazed to discover how many different species of purple flowers are growing in the Irish countryside! Well, let's say some are not exactly purple and lean more towards the pink and blue shades but well this makes for such a good name ;-)

Oh my, it is definitely the purple time of the year!!


foxglove image, pink


purple flowers, fireweed


thistle image

thistle image, purple flower


purple flowers, knapweed

purple flowers

purple flowers

Spotted bog orchidspotted orchid flower

selfheal flower, purple flower


selfheal flower, purple

Crane-bill and Wild rose

cranebill flower wild rose image

Bell heather

 wild heather


clover plant image

Vetch and Thistle

vetch thistle plant


fireweed plant


vetch plant vetch plant






I hope you enjoy this little display of Irish flora!! 

See you soon

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