VRATSAGIRL a girl with a camera


Showing posts with label ferns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ferns. Show all posts

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Last of the summer

I was walking today in the countryside with the dogs and noticed an alarming occurrence - the end of the summer is approaching. Slowly, slowly it is creeping up on us, and before we know it, autumn will be here. 

This fact always makes me sad because I love the freedom of summer - holidays, beach, water, walks in the forest. Early mornings with crisp air and sun up high in the sky from almost 4 o'clock in the morning, sunsets so late you don't have to wait for them at all... You know...there are so many fabulous and gorgeous things about summer that we all love...

I am not saying that I don't like autumn, on the contrary, actually I really love the season when the colours of the trees change. It is one of my favourite moments as a photographer.

The end of summer means the cold is coming, the rains soon after, then the days are getting shorter and darker... The leaves will fall out and the then the greys and browns and all the other dark shades will be ruling in nature until the spring arrives again next year with fluffy blossoms and new wonderful light and all will be reborn again....

For now everything is still green, although the dark verdant colours of the full summer are gone and the grasses and leaves are tinting in hues of golden brown and orange, subtle in its change, no one can see them but me and still, I know it is there and it makes me edgy although I try to ignore it.

ok, I will stop, the last of the summer is still here, no need to go crazy...yet

road, dogs walking, summer feeling

green plants, raindrops, dogs walkinggreen ferns by the side of the road, boxer dog

boxer dogs, tree, summer greens tree, green ferns

tree, beautiful light, green fernstree, green ferns, great summer light

big tree, great summer light

big tree, green ferns

macro image of raindrops on a plant

macro image of a plant with raindrops

ferns, boxer dogs walking

Thanks for being here with me

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Catch the SunLight

This morning, I was planning to continue my spring posts with photos from my latest apple tree blossoms collection but when I started working converting files I found a folder I have forgotten from the beginning of January and I got completely sidetracked converting those files instead. 

Go figure, we work in mysterious ways sometimes.

Anyway, that particular morning was really special because I was waiting for it since last year. You see, the place where I took the photos is along a little road that climbs a hill. Twice a years, at about 9am in the morning, the sun shines down this road at exactly the perfect angle. Then I need some rain to have fallen during the night so everything would be covered in raindrops. And then I come with the camera and I take photos. Sounds easy enough, but it is not easy to have all the conditions present at the same right time.

I am only trying to Catch the Sun Light. How hard can it be?

Here is the result you can judge for yourselves 
ferns in the beautiful light

ferns in the lightferns in the light

ferns by the road in beautiful light

ferns in the lightferns in the light

ferns in the light


ferns, light


fernsferns light


ferns, lightferns light


ferns light beautiful

  Thank you for stopping by! Please leave your thoughts for me!!

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