VRATSAGIRL a girl with a camera


Showing posts with label A burst of color. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A burst of color. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Purple time of the year

Did you know that at this time of the year there is mainly purple flowers blossoming out there in the wild?!

This is what I discovered today while I was walking the dogs and admiring the fabulous lush green around me. Then I noticed the lovely purple flowers one after the other until I realised that the purple  is everywhere!!

Of course I had to start taking photos of all the different plants I could find and I was amazed to discover how many different species of purple flowers are growing in the Irish countryside! Well, let's say some are not exactly purple and lean more towards the pink and blue shades but well this makes for such a good name ;-)

Oh my, it is definitely the purple time of the year!!


foxglove image, pink


purple flowers, fireweed


thistle image

thistle image, purple flower


purple flowers, knapweed

purple flowers

purple flowers

Spotted bog orchidspotted orchid flower

selfheal flower, purple flower


selfheal flower, purple

Crane-bill and Wild rose

cranebill flower wild rose image

Bell heather

 wild heather


clover plant image

Vetch and Thistle

vetch thistle plant


fireweed plant


vetch plant vetch plant






I hope you enjoy this little display of Irish flora!! 

See you soon

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A morning of peaceful photography

After 3 weeks of permanent storms - crazy rain and wicked wind, we woke up to a wonderful unexpected, glorious golden morning.  

Needless to say I was out in a flash with my fingers itching to take some pictures in peace and quiet without donging the wind and the falling raindrops.  

So here is what came out of that lovely gorgeous morning of peaceful photography:

thank you for the visit everyone and see you again!!

 P.S I am very disappointed because once again I could not publish all the photos I had prepared since the colours went completely nuts!! 

Most of the photos were distorted and the colours run and bleached!! 
Does anyone know anything about this? I would appreciate some feed back. 

This is a photo blog, I need to rely on the proper presentation of colours and images!! 
If I can not publish my photos here in peace and as planned I certainly feel discouraged to continue working here in Google!!  

I am not giving up yet! But if anyone has some info please write to me!!


Sunday, November 24, 2013


I have to admit that there is no better combination than late autumn, blues skies, golden leaves and bright afternoon sunlight. Use the few days left of bright sunlight and the last of the autumn leaves on the almost naked trees and make the most of it. Take the kids and the dogs and just go. You won't be sorry, believe me!!

I did yesterday. I got leaves for gold or gold for leaves, who knows...The important thing is that it worked just perfectly. you can judge for yourselves: 

leaves for gold© Annie Japaud 2013, blog, photography, autumn, leaves, nature, colourful, golden, Oughterard, Galway, Ireland

leaves for gold© Annie Japaud 2013, blog, photography, autumn, leaves, nature, colourful, golden

leaves for gold© Annie Japaud 2013, blog, photography, autumn, leaves, nature, colourful, golden

leaves for gold© Annie Japaud 2013, blog, photography, autumn, leaves, nature, colourful, golden

leaves for gold© Annie Japaud 2013, blog, photography, autumn, leaves, nature, colourful, golden

leaves for gold© Annie Japaud 2013, blog, photography, autumn, leaves, nature, colourful, golden

leaves for gold© Annie Japaud 2013, blog, photography, autumn, leaves, nature, colourful, golden

leaves for gold© Annie Japaud 2013, blog, photography, autumn, leaves, nature, colourful, golden

leaves for gold© Annie Japaud 2013, blog, photography, autumn, leaves, nature, colourful, golden

leaves for gold© Annie Japaud 2013, blog, photography, autumn, leaves, nature, colourful, golden

leaves for gold© Annie Japaud 2013, blog, photography, autumn, leaves, nature, colourful, golden

leaves for gold© Annie Japaud 2013, blog, photography, autumn, leaves, nature, colourful, golden

leaves for gold© Annie Japaud 2013, blog, photography, autumn, leaves, nature, colourful, golden

I just love autumn colours! Have a look at some of my last years pickings

thank you for stopping by!!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Autumn Celebration

It is the first of October and I have to admit that this year Autumn strolled in without hesitation and it is definitely here to stay. 

Up until a few days ago, the trees were still more dark green than brown, the grass was less rusty than it is suddenly today and certainly, there weren't as many leaves dancing in the wind either.

Since my Sunday walk, when I officially went into Autumn mode, all the signs are boldly present. The dark luscious green of the trees is suddenly enriched with reddish and brown tones. The birches are slowly adorning their golden attire and the rushes in the bogs are becoming all rusty with a touch of crimson where the sun rays touch them.
It is an amazing scene that can drive anyone crazy with all that stunning beauty. Nature is perfect and we need to protect it and keep it clean!

There is nothing more annoying for me than finding everyday litter by the side of the roads. How come, some people can not wait to trow their garbage in the bin like everyone else?Why do they have to toss it out of their car window?! The answer evades me completely but their actions, sadly, I witness on daily basis.

Let us live this conversation for another day because this topic has been on the tip of my lips for a while now and continue the celebration of Autumn' arrival. Enjoy nature's palette of colours, so fascinating and so gorgeous.

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