VRATSAGIRL a girl with a camera


Showing posts with label raindrops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label raindrops. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Forest Walks

pine tree needles and raindrops
One of my favourite things to do in my spare time is walking.

Walking through the fields, walking in the bogs, walking in the Hills of Connemara, walking with my dogs and especially walking in the forest.

The smell of earth and fallen leaves.. The happy singing of the mountain streams..The peaceful silence and the playful light in the branches of the trees... all that and so much more  is what keeps me coming back and back and back...

I will show a few shots from a random walk from last year when Flick was a tiny puppy and was just learning the secrets of the forest. 

Now, after walking there every day for a year and a half, I would say he looks like he simply belongs in it. 

Forest Walks by Annie Japaud Photography 

light in golden leaves in the forest sun shining through the branches of a tree

forest landscape, Galway, Ireland

boxer puppy walking

light shining in wet trees

a person walking in the forest with his dog raindrops on pine needles

forest greenery

boxer puppy walking

boxer puppy walking

wild flowers in the forest with raindrops

sun shining through the pine trees

 raindrops on pine needles

raindrops on pine needles

raindrops on pine needles

forest spring

Monday, May 19, 2014

The Little Cherry Tree

In  my garden, there is a little cherry tree that doesn't seem to grown much over the years. 

It is hardly taller than me, and believe me I am not on the tall side, none the less, every year it provides me with a number of glorious photo opportunities.

I am nothing but thankful to the Little Cherry Tree.

Actually, I wait impatiently every single day in spring for the buds to open up so I can stalk around the tree with my camera and my lenses and take a bunch of photos.
This year wasn't any different. So, now I am going to share with you my photos from this spring.

Thank you my Little Cherry Tree 

cherry blossoms, spring

cherry blossoms

cherry blossoms

cherry blossoms

cherry blossoms cherry blossoms

cherry blossoms, spring

cherry blossoms

cherry blossoms


There is nothing more beautiful than blossoms after rain.
I hope you agree.

 Thank you for the visit

Monday, February 3, 2014

Lost in the magic of bad weather

Yes, I am still lost in a perpetual, day-after-day succession of  storms with thunder and lightning, and more and more rain, and more wind....

For how long, I do not know, but it feels as if it has been going on forever.

And believe me, it is as if someone wrapped the area where we live in an invisible bubble of bad weather, because it is definitely not as bad everywhere else in the county and in the country.

The bad weather is localized just here. It is extra rainy and extra windy. Sometimes, just a few kilometers away it's nice and sunny, while where we live it pours like crazy!!

It all has to do with the position of our town I believe, so there is nothing we can really do about it except get some really good rain gear and tough it up.

image of raindrops on a branch

image of raindrops on a branch

image of raindrops on a branch

image of raindrops and tree btanches

image of a raindrop on a branch

lots of raindrops on a bush

raindrops on branches

gloomy scene from the forest with raindrops on branches

As usual my images look a bit strange, so Google hasn't resolved their issue with uploading images yet.  Very annoying situation because I lost a lot of time deleting and finding new ones instead of the ones I was planning to use!! 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A morning of peaceful photography

After 3 weeks of permanent storms - crazy rain and wicked wind, we woke up to a wonderful unexpected, glorious golden morning.  

Needless to say I was out in a flash with my fingers itching to take some pictures in peace and quiet without donging the wind and the falling raindrops.  

So here is what came out of that lovely gorgeous morning of peaceful photography:

thank you for the visit everyone and see you again!!

 P.S I am very disappointed because once again I could not publish all the photos I had prepared since the colours went completely nuts!! 

Most of the photos were distorted and the colours run and bleached!! 
Does anyone know anything about this? I would appreciate some feed back. 

This is a photo blog, I need to rely on the proper presentation of colours and images!! 
If I can not publish my photos here in peace and as planned I certainly feel discouraged to continue working here in Google!!  

I am not giving up yet! But if anyone has some info please write to me!!


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Lets celebrate

Today is 11.12.13. 

A day that deserves a post of its own just because it's such a great number which will never ever happen again in all history of mankind. I find it so absolutely cool for no particular reason at all, just cracks me up. 

So, for this occasion, I have prepared some special photos to mark a special day. 
Lets celebrate with some nature photography from me.

Enjoy everyone and please leave a comment to tell me what you think! 

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY© Annie Japaud 2013, Connemara, Ireland, blogging, nature, images from Ireland,

thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed my images

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July dreams in February

I am so tired of the rain and the bad weather I find myself daydreaming of summer. I am thinking of those wonderful July walks, very early ...