VRATSAGIRL a girl with a camera


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Fun with Frost

When there is no deep snow to mess around with there is a bit of fancy frost to take a few photos of.

I guess that will do for now.  Something to take my mind of the raging storm outside. 
Yes, I know, Another storm!!

handful of snow and frost
Click on images to view as slideshow
someone holding a handful of snow

close up of frost on a bench  

frost on a bench

image of snow on the edge of a lawn

close up of frost

close up image of frost crystals

image of frost

Thank you for visiting!!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Lost in the magic of bad weather

Yes, I am still lost in a perpetual, day-after-day succession of  storms with thunder and lightning, and more and more rain, and more wind....

For how long, I do not know, but it feels as if it has been going on forever.

And believe me, it is as if someone wrapped the area where we live in an invisible bubble of bad weather, because it is definitely not as bad everywhere else in the county and in the country.

The bad weather is localized just here. It is extra rainy and extra windy. Sometimes, just a few kilometers away it's nice and sunny, while where we live it pours like crazy!!

It all has to do with the position of our town I believe, so there is nothing we can really do about it except get some really good rain gear and tough it up.

image of raindrops on a branch

image of raindrops on a branch

image of raindrops on a branch

image of raindrops and tree btanches

image of a raindrop on a branch

lots of raindrops on a bush

raindrops on branches

gloomy scene from the forest with raindrops on branches

As usual my images look a bit strange, so Google hasn't resolved their issue with uploading images yet.  Very annoying situation because I lost a lot of time deleting and finding new ones instead of the ones I was planning to use!! 

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July dreams in February

I am so tired of the rain and the bad weather I find myself daydreaming of summer. I am thinking of those wonderful July walks, very early ...