VRATSAGIRL a girl with a camera


Monday, October 27, 2014

In the mood for Cobwebs

It is almost Halloween and I am in the mood for cobwebs. As simple as that.

 The images are taken over the years with different cameras, it is a real collection of cobwebs.

large cobweb

lots of raindrops on a cobweb

raindrops on a cobweb

cobwebs, raindrops


raindrops in a cobweb

cobwebs in a bush

macro image of raindrops in a cobweb

macro image of raindrops in a cobweb

raindrops in a cobweb

cobweb on a plant

two cobwebs on a gate

large cobweb in a bush

bush covered in cobwebs

cobwebs and raindrops

cobwebs and raindrops

cobwebs and raindrops

cobwebs and raindrops

Thanks for being here. Hope you enjoyed the show

Monday, October 20, 2014

Autumn at my door

This year we had warm dry weather during the summer and early autumn months. 

Even now, it is the middle of October and a lot of trees are still mostly greenish.

After the storms last week and the first patch of cold weather for the season the leaves are turning in gorgeous bold colours and beginning to fall of the trees.
This morning after a lot of rain and strong winds during the night we woke up and I felt something new has happened.

The time has come and Autumn has arrived at my door.  

Welcome Autumn.

leaves, ground, door, autumn

shadow on the ground covered with autumn leaves

shadow, ground, leaves

ground, leaves, shadows

autumn leaves on the ground, door of a house

geranium leaves, light

geranium leaves, light

geranium leaves, light

fallen leaves on the grass

leaves on grass

autumn, leaves on grass

autumn, leaves on grass, light

autumn leaves on grass

Last reminder of Summer
daisy macro

boxer dog in a garden

leave, light, trees

leaves, light, trees, autumn

leaves, autumn

leaves, autumn colours

Please let me in...
boxer dog, door, wants to go in

Thanks for being here

Monday, October 6, 2014

Accidental Meeting

I was out with the purpose of capturing some gorgeous late afternoon autumn light when I came across this chap. It was purely an accidental meeting but very enjoyable I might add. 

At first he (or she I am not entirely sure to be honest) pretended not to be interested in any relationship whatsoever, but after I produced a lovely tuft of grass he mellowed down and came closer. Then we were at it for a while. Meaning  - me giving him grass and taking photos at all angles and him chomping happily and gratefully. He even got an itch which I managed to catch on camera. Don't laugh, I m a city born girl, those things still impress me even after so many years living in a small countryside village.

I love horses and I find them absolutely fantastic and beautiful creatures with great character and charisma. Here are some of the shots I managed to get during my latest accidental meeting.

horse image

horse close up


horse close uphorse close up

horse close up, a handhorse close up

I am sure he is smiling here!! 
horse close up

 horse close uphorse close up

horse close uphorse close up

  horse close up

horse image

horse miagehorse image

horse image horse image

I managed to catch the beautiful evening light after all, he was busking in it 
horse image

Thank you for joining me here ;-)
 And since you love #horses here is another STORY

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July dreams in February

I am so tired of the rain and the bad weather I find myself daydreaming of summer. I am thinking of those wonderful July walks, very early ...