VRATSAGIRL a girl with a camera


Sunday, January 25, 2015

A walk in the snow

hijata, snow image, Vratsa, Bulgaria

It has been a few years since I walked in snow. Real snow. Knee deep and all

But the photos I took then still remain and will always be there. For me this is one of the best aspects of photography, grabbing the moment and freezing it in time for ever. Absolutely Fantastic!!  Later on every time you look at the images you have taken you can simply travel back in time and experience again the same moment.

At least this is how it is for me. I have thousands and thousands of images in my database but when I look at  any one I can remember exactly where I was and feel the same hot sun and the same biting wind or cold snow. Fabulous!!

So here is some images from a walk in the snow 5 years ago that I never had the time to post.

Enjoy the cold and the white beauty of it, Have a walk in the snow with me  

hijata, snow image, Vratsa, Bulgaria

snow landscape, Vratsa Bulgaria

branches, snow, forest

branches, snow

bird house in a tree, snow

snowy image, branches, snow

path in the snow, Vratsa, Bulgariastairs in the snow

bench in the snow

snow, trees, cold

hijata, a cottage in the mountains, Vratsa Bulgaria

snow view of the town square of Vratsa, Bulgaria

View of the town square in winter, Vratsa, Bulgaria

snow view from above, Vratsa, Bulgaria

snow landscape with mountains Vratsa, Bulgaria

snow view of the mountains and Vratsa Bulgaria

snow view of Vratsa Bulgaria

  view from above of Vratsa, Bulgaria

branches covered in snow

branches covered in  snow

mountains, snow, Vratsa, Bulgaria

mountains in snow, Vratsa, Bulgaria

mountains, Vratsa, Bulgaria

mountains in Vratsa, bulgaria

Thanks for joining me for a walk in the snow

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